Wall Mount Business Card Holder 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: f3d,gcode,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Wall Mount Business Card Holder 3D Printer Model' is (f3d,gcode,stl) file type, size is 584.5KB.


Many great business card holders on thingiverse however nothing to match exactly what I needed. I remixed a design by nevitdelmen to add mounting holes for cabinet screws (#8 x 1") and making it a bit easier to print. I provided the Fusion 360 file if you want to customize the design further.

I also included the .gcode generated with S3D to run this print on the Monoprice Select Mini V1.

Business_Card_Thin_Holder_v4.f3d 115.7KB
Business_Card_Thin_V4.gcode 2.4MB
Business_Card_Thin_V4.stl 75.2KB