This is a wall mount for amazon fire tablets in sizes 8 and 10 inches.
Possible use is for hanging your tablet for your smart home system.
The mount can be screwed, glued and sticked with magnets.
It has gaps for the microfone and the speakers for better accousics and gaps for (possible) wires. Holes for headphonejack where made.
Only the sound level has to be adjusted via software buttons.
I have also added a little pin for turning the tablet on / off.
The pin can be modded with an ballpoint-pen-spring.
The quick out is whith a border.
For better optical apperance I veneered the parts after I sticked them together.
It was printed on an Anet A8 with an printig room of 210x210.
tab_Fire-10cut_quick_out1.stl | 26.1KB | |
tab_Fire-10cut_quick_out2.stl | 45.8KB | |
tab_Fire-10Part1.stl | 150.0KB | |
tab_Fire-10Part2.stl | 41.4KB | |
tab_Fire-8Part1.stl | 52.8KB | |
tab_Fire-8Part2.stl | 28.8KB | |
tab_FirePin_for_Spring.stl | 13.9KB |