VW Transporter T5 Rear Panel Filer 3D Printer Model

License: CC BY-SA
File formats: step,stl
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The file 'VW Transporter T5 Rear Panel Filer 3D Printer Model' is (step,stl) file type, size is 162.4KB.


When using the standard vw rear panels they have a gap at the bottom, i have created this to fill that gap whilst keeping a path for the vent to equlaise pressure to the outside when closing the doors.

This has some support built in, shown in blue in image, this can easyly be snipped out.

I have included a step file so you can fill the holes or add a bigger hole for cables etc

T5_rear_panel_vent_NS.step 126.0KB
T5_rear_panel_vent_NS.stl 287.3KB
T5_rear_panel_vent_OS.step 126.2KB
T5_rear_panel_vent_OS.stl 287.3KB