The file 'Voron CNC Tap X Endstop Adapter 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 17.1KB.
I made this specifically for the Chaoticlab CNC Tap 2.0 kit that I installed on my voron 2.4. This completely replaces the endstop adapter arm included in the Chaoticlab kit, and uses their included m2 screws. My voron was built from the LDO kit, so my X endstop is part of a whole circuit board and can't be moved to the tool head. Printing this was easier than printing a whole new mount for the X/Y endstop board, or awkwardly using the adapter-on-adapter setup on chaoticlab's github.
The screw holes are intentionally just a tiny bit small so the screw will need to be threaded in. This helps hold the tiny screws in place while attaching the adapter to the toolhead.
cnctapxstopv3.stl | 77.2KB |