Vise (Fully 3d Printed) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
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The file 'Vise (Fully 3d Printed) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 724.8KB.


This is a simple vice which uses all 3d printed parts (apart from some tape and glue). It has a pretty strong grip on items, and its size is quite large to accommodate big objects. I think a great use for it is to clamp your other various 3d printed projects for finishing work, and sanding. Its an interesting tool which can demonstrate the complex geometries capable of FDM 3d printers, and its a cool piece with working parts. I printed this on my Robo 3D R1+, and my recommended infill / settings are down in the instructions. I hope you like it, thanks.

Vice_Base.stl 20.6KB
Vice_Clamp.stl 212.9KB
Vice_screw_1.stl 427.6KB
Vice_screw_2.stl 839.0KB
Vice_thread_insert.stl 171.7KB