VFR400R NC30 Quad Lock Phone Stem Mount Adapter 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: f3d,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'VFR400R NC30 Quad Lock Phone Stem Mount Adapter 3D Printer Model' is (f3d,stl) file type, size is 246.6KB.


Simple mount to use the Quad Lock Phone Stem mount on a Honda VFR400R NC30 motorcycle with a stem diameter of 31mm ish Quad lock on its own only expands to about 24mm.

Do not print with PLA. You'll probably find it cracks way too easily and falls to bits in your stem.

Printed close to the diameter of the bikes stem so not much flex is needed to expand out.

Printed with PETG as thats all I had and has a bit of flex, printed with 80% infill.

Currently used for around 800 bouncy potholed UK miles without failing.

Feel free to improve as I havent a clue what i'm doing !


nc30_quadlock_stem_insert.f3d 166.8KB
nc30_quadlock_stem_insert.stl 298.5KB