I needed a desk lamp and had some leftover LED strip lighting from my enclosure project, it just kinda hit me to use the VESA 75x75 mount on the back of my monitor to keep it off the desk. I've also added parts for VESA 100x100.
This uses a switch and a step up voltage converter to step the voltage from 5v USB to 12v.
Print two of the ends pieces.
You'll need a large bed to print this mostly because of the arm. 200 x 200 minimum.
Purchase Parts:
These are just examples, non-affiliate links.
End.STL | 90.4KB | |
Middle.STL | 304.8KB | |
VESA_Arm.STL | 242.3KB | |
VESA_Lid.STL | 474.9KB | |
VESA_Lid_100x100.STL | 472.7KB | |
VESA_Mount.STL | 802.7KB | |
VESA_Mount_100x100.STL | 809.8KB |