Thunderbird 4 on the Vale of Rheidol railway. Their PERMAQUIP track maintenance vehicle.
The novel feature is that the buggy has its own jack so that it can be turned around to face in the direction of travel. This model does not do this.
This model uses a small motor-gearbox and wheels from Locosnstuff.
There is space for lead(?) weights under the interior.
The buggy and truck both have current pickup and the two are connected by a copper tube with a wire down the middle. (A bit overscale in diameter)
Glazing is 0.8mm Perspex and would be better if cut and fitted into the apertures.
buggy_underframe_mk3.stl | 69.9KB | |
buggy_wipers.stl | 21.6KB | |
eng_vice.stl | 38.2KB | |
Grille.stl | 35.2KB | |
TB4_bodyshell.stl | 21.7MB | |
TB4_chassis.stl | 39.9KB | |
Tb4_interior_weighted.stl | 229.9KB | |
TB4_truck_body_1.stl | 334.8KB | |
truck_bearings_2.stl | 27.0KB | |
truck_tools.stl | 1.6MB | |
v4_drive_chains.stl | 18.1KB |