Bracket for a 137 MHz V-dipole antenna following the design found here. I modified the design slightly by removing the screw terminal and mounting solid core copper directly to the aluminum bars.
Included are two different brackets for rods of ~3mm diameter or ~7mm diameter (1/8" or 1/4"), and the lid. Assembly requires 3x M3 bolts and nuts, or zip ties if you don't have the hardware laying around. The mounting tab on the bottom was sized to fit a standard broom handle at ~22mm diameter and includes 4 holes for mounting, but again zip ties will probably work too.
Printed flat down, no supports, 20% infill.
antennaBracket3mm.STL | 73.2KB | |
antennaBracket8mm.STL | 97.3KB | |
antennaBracketLid.STL | 48.1KB |