The file 'USB Socket For Moto 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 39.3KB.
Most USB motorcycle converters / chargers are difficult to install due to their size (and its often ugly). In addition they are rarely adapted to the power needed for current smartphones. It is therefore a very compact medium that can contain a 6/24V In - 5V Out 3A converter that can be purchased on the internet (see photo for the exact model). An internal partition makes it possible to perfectly insert the converter and the passage of the connecting wires. The bracket is designed to attach to the handlebar with a cable collar. The wires and the converter will be fixed by pouring glue inside. The bracket will be printed in ABS and the cover will be printed in FLEX. Adjust the diameter of the cable to your convenience.
USB_Flex_cover.stl | 17.2KB | |
USB_main_body.stl | 194.7KB |