USB Hub Nest 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'USB Hub Nest 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 30.9KB.


USB Hub Nest


Please note: The STL files have been updated. Before printing a larger model, it's recommended to use the test file to check compatibility. If you prefer the old STL files, feel free to contact me.


The USB Hub Nest is a practical design for keeping your USB sticks organized and easily accessible. It has been crafted to accommodate various USB sizes, finding a compromise in shape to fit all your USB sticks securely.

Using it is simple: just plug your USB sticks into the designated holes for safe storage and easy access.


  • [holder_testfile.stl]: Test file to check compatibility with various USB sticks.
  • [holder_1_x_3.stl]: Holds up to 3 USB sticks.
  • [holder_1_x_3_nameplate.stl]: Holds up to 3 USB sticks, contains a nameplate.
  • [holder_1_x_6.stl]: Holds up to 6 USB sticks.
  • [holder_1_x_6_nameplate.stl]: Holds up to 6 USB sticks, contains a nameplate.
  • [holder_1_x_9.stl]: Holds up to 9 USB sticks.
  • [holder_1_x_9_nameplate.stl]: Holds up to 9 USB sticks, contains a nameplate.
  • [holder_2_x_3.stl]: Holds up to 6 USB sticks.
  • [holder_2_x_3_nameplate.stl]: Holds up to 6 USB sticks, contains a nameplate.
  • [holder_2_x_6.stl]: Holds up to 12 USB sticks, contains a nameplate.
  • [holder_2_x_6_nameplate.stl]: Holds up to 12 USB sticks.
  • [holder_2_x_9.stl]: Holds up to 18 USB sticks.
  • [holder_2_x_9_nameplate.stl]: Holds up to 18 USB sticks, contains a nameplate.
  • [holder_3_x_3.stl]: Holds up to 9 USB sticks.
  • [holder_3_x_3_nameplate.stl]: Holds up to 9 USB sticks, contains a nameplate.
  • [holder_3_x_6.stl]: Holds up to 18 USB sticks.
  • [holder_3_x_6_nameplate.stl]: Holds up to 18 USB sticks, contains a nameplate.
  • [holder_3_x_9.stl]: Holds up to 27 USB sticks.
  • [holder_3_x_9_nameplate.stl]: Holds up to 27 USB sticks, contains a nameplate.

Print Settings and Details

  • Printer: Artillery Siewinder X2
  • Material: PLA
  • Nozzle: 0.4mm
  • Profile: Standard Quality – 0.2mm
  • Infill: Cubic – 10.0%
  • Speed: 60.0 mm/s


  1. Download the desired STL file.
  2. Ensure your printer settings are correct.
  3. Print the model and insert your USB sticks!

Change Log:

  • 2024-10-06: Old STL files removed and new files added. Test file provided for compatibility checks.
  • 2023-12-16: Initial release of the USB Hub Nest project.

Your Feedback Matters

Your feedback is highly appreciated! Feel free to suggest enhancements, changes, or leave positive feedback.

holder_1_x_3.stl 3.0KB
holder_1_x_3_nameplate.stl 4.0KB
holder_1_x_6.stl 5.4KB
holder_1_x_6_nameplate.stl 6.3KB
holder_1_x_9.stl 7.7KB
holder_1_x_9_nameplate.stl 8.7KB
holder_2_x_3.stl 5.4KB
holder_2_x_3_nameplate.stl 7.1KB
holder_2_x_6.stl 10.0KB
holder_2_x_6_nameplate.stl 11.8KB
holder_2_x_9.stl 14.7KB
holder_2_x_9_nameplate.stl 16.5KB
holder_3_x_3.stl 7.7KB
holder_3_x_3_nameplate.stl 10.2KB
holder_3_x_6.stl 14.7KB
holder_3_x_6_nameplate.stl 17.3KB
holder_3_x_9.stl 21.8KB
holder_3_x_9_nameplate.stl 24.3KB
holder_testfile.stl 1.4KB