Simple parts for a simple function. Just to mount the USB charging hub to the back of the nightstand to get it off the floor and off the top of the nightstand. I printed these on the thin edge so no supports are needed.
I also included the parts files from onshape where I modeled them so you can adjust to whatever size charging hub you have. This particular USB hub is an Orico 5 port charger found on Amazon(
ChargerMnt_Small_Btm_v1.stl | 159.3KB | |
ChargerMnt_Small_Btm_v1_-_Part_1.x_t | 53.6KB | |
ChargerMnt_Small_Top_v1.stl | 130.0KB | |
ChargerMnt_Small_Top_v1_-_Part_1.x_t | 39.7KB |