Untitled Goose Keychain 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Untitled Goose Keychain 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 126.5KB.


Infill: 5%
Top: 5 layers
Colours: 3

There are 2 different models of "Red walls" you can choose depending on the keyring you have:
6mm and 22mm models

pd: while slicing the white piece, if you want, you can adjust the position to 60° to align itself to the red walls

pd2: also, you should adjust the scale of the redwalls to 1016.5% to make them fit, sorry

1016.5.Red_Sign_Goose_22mmkeychain.stl 152.5KB
1016.5.Red_Sign_Goose_6mmkeychain.stl 142.0KB
60Deg.Sign_Goose_keychain.stl 101.9KB