I saw this in Park Tool's bleeding video & thought it was neat.
I was about to print someone else's Shimano bleed block, but I decided to quickly model this one instead & have it work for every caliper I might encounter.
I guessed most of the dimensions, but the exact dimensions (besides the obvious 10 & 12 mm thicknesses) don't really matter as long as it's big enough.
I grabbed a snapshot from the Park Tool manual that someone could theoretically scale to get far more accurate dimensions, but it won't really improve the function any. If someone else out there wants to trace that image & scale it, there it is, but I'm happy with how mine works.
I didn't center the 12 mm thickness on the tool to avoid printing supports.
Holes are sized at 4.8 mm diameter as clearance holes for the M4 bolts used as pad retaining bolts. However, I was able to wedge these in some Shimano BR-M666 calipers & they stayed in just fine.