Universal Ball Mount System 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl,STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Universal Ball Mount System 3D Printer Model' is (stl,STL) file type, size is 667.8KB.


This is a universal ball and socket system I designed to mount small speakers, but I imagine there could be lots of uses. The center link is a 1/4" X bolt, length to suit.

  • Update: Per Cyclone's suggestion below, I added a double socket piece to make an "elbow". I mocked up what could be a helping-hand device. Thanks Cyclone!

The cap and ball should be flipped over to print (threads up on the cap, hex up on the ball). I used 3 shells for strength. You need to work the threads on and off a few times to get them working freely. Be careful, as you can scrape your knuckles on the sharp edges turning the nut on and off!

Ball2.stl 615.6KB
BallMountSocket.stl 1.4MB
BallMountSocket2hole.stl 1.3MB
Cap_edit.stl 628.4KB
DoubleSocket.STL 2.0MB