Custom display base are also available from $5! Contact me to discuss what you want!
The diorama is based on underpass and/or tunnel designs with a top area to be use as car park or placement for garage diorama that I made previously.
Checkout my showcase video:
I have also included 2 variants that is just a car park on top:
With fence (Only the top is shown in this screenshot):
No fence:
The diorama is separated into multiple parts for easy printing. All files are packed into a zip files and arranged in folder as follow:
1) Lower Base:
- BaseV2 - Bottom - Pt1 - Walled.STL
- BaseV2 - Bottom - Pt1.STL
- BaseV2 - Bottom - Pt2.STL (Print 2x)
- BaseClip.STL (Print 22x)
- BaseV2 - Bottom - Pt3 - Walled.STL
- BaseV2 - Bottom - Pt3.STL
2) Lower Flat Base:
- FlatBase - 2 Lane Road (Actual Size).STL (Print 4x)
3) Pillars:
- CrossBeam.STL (Print 6x)
- SideDividerBase.STL
- Tpillar.STL (Print 3x)
4) Lower Walls:
- TunnelMainWallV2.STL (Print 2x)
- WallPillarV3.STL
5) Upper Base:
- MirrorUpperFloors.STL (Print 2x)
- UpperFloors.STL (Print 2x)
6) Ceiling:
- Ceiling - Mirror.STL (Print 2x)
- Ceiling.STL (Print 2x)
7) Upper Base Cover:
- MirrorUpperFloorCover - Wall.STL
- MirrorUpperFloorCover.STL
- UpperFloorCover - Wall.STL
- UpperFloorCover.STL
8) Upper Flat Base (There are multiple variant, pick 1):
i) Same build as seen in videos print these:
- UpperFlatBase2 - Plain - No Sidewalk.STL (Print 2x)
- UpperFlatBase2 - Plain - Small Sidewalk.STL
- UpperFlatBase2 - Plain.STL
ii) Car Park only build print these:
- UpperFlatBase2 - Plain - No Sidewalk.STL (Print 2x)
- UpperFlatBase3 - Car Park.STL
- UpperFlatBase3 - Car ParkMirror.STL
iii) Car Park only build but no fence print these:
9) Upper Wall & Fence:
- CarParkWall - Shorten.STL (Print 2x)
- WallPillarV3 - CarPark.STL
- MirrorWallMesh3 - Cut.STL (Skip if printing variant iii)
- MirrorWallMesh3.STL (Skip if printing variant iii)
- WallMesh3 - Cut.STL (Skip if printing variant iii)
- WallMesh3.STL (Skip if printing variant iii)
Optional - Giga's Mega Garage Roof + Support Pillar:
- ExtraSupport - Side.STL (Print 2x)
- ExtraSupport - Center.STL
- LED Cover 2 - Wired.STL (For “Giga's Mega Garage” to fit LED strip)
- HighwayGuardrail - Straight.STL (For no fence build)
Optional parts screenshot:
Additional Parts Used In My Build
- LED strips (for lighting the garage and the underpass/tunnel area)
- HO scale light pole (as additional lighting outside the garage and car park)
- Step Up Power Controller to convert 5V USB power to 12V to run LED strip
- 400 ohm resistor to reduce voltage to run 3V HO scale light pole
- M2.5 bolt & nuts (at least 8x set)
- Plenty of double sided tape (For taping base to flat base)
- Good glue for holding the main pillars in place (Highly recommend to use glue since the upper area is held up by just the T-pillars and its cross beams)
Print Settings
Nozzle size = 0.5 mm (0.4 will be printable and smaller better)
Layer height = 0.2 mm
Filament change layer for colours on "FlatBase - 2 Lane Road (Actual Size).STL":
1) Start (Road lines colour, mine is in white)
2) Layer 5 (Overall road colour, mine is in black)
Filament change layer for colours on "UpperFlatBase2 - Plain - Small Sidewalk.STL" & “UpperFlatBase2 - Plain.STL”:
1) Start (Overall road colour, mine is in black)
2) Layer 8 (Sidewalk colour, mine is in grey)
Assembly (Based on my photos build)
The car is just placed on the diorama, there are no holes to tie the cars down by wire.
Check out my assembly video to give you a better idea on how the build suppose to go:
For the garage seen in the photos and video, you can get them here:
Feel free to send me any feedback on how to improve the design. Suggestion on display base designs are welcomed too.
I can be contacted through Instagram or Twitter too:
Custom display base designs are available from $5! Contact me to discuss what you want!