Ultrasonic Ruler Ray Gun 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl,123dx
Download type: zip

The file 'Ultrasonic Ruler Ray Gun 3D Printer Model' is (stl,123dx) file type, size is 3.7MB.


In this project we’re building an Ultrasonic Ruler!
Inspired by Dune, this Harkonnen pistol is a rare movie prop that was never seen in film.
A stylized enclosure makes this distance sensor into a hand held sonar measuring tape.
The design features a unique handle and a large barrel that fits this project nicely.
In this circuit, the trinket write's the distance to a LED display. The EZ rangefinder is a great sensor for reading proximity and measuring distance.
You can get the electronics for this project from the shop on Adafruit dot com.
The 8 piece design is open source and available to download. It takes about 6 hours to print in PLA filament.
The parts are optimized to printing with no support material and extra details are added to the parts for cinematic aesthetics .
A light coat of silver spray paint gives these pieces that extra shine and gun metal look.
Check out our guide on the Adafruit learning system for a circuit diagram and full tutorial for this project.
The enclosure is designed to secure the components and is fastened together with machine screws.
wire wrap is threaded through the handle and neatly housed behind the stands offs.
Assembly takes just a few hours and the final result is a functioning hollywood inspired replica.
Download our ardunio libraries and demo sketch to program the trinket micro-controller.
What features could you add to this project? Let us know in the comments below.
Full Tutorial on The Adafruit Learning System:

dhp-barrel.stl 980.7KB
dhp-bottom-box.stl 988.9KB
dhp-bottom-handle.stl 1.9MB
dhp-dot.stl 205.1KB
dhp-grip-botom.stl 281.7KB
dhp-grip-top.stl 281.7KB
dhp-led-cover.stl 28.2KB
dhp-led.stl 270.6KB
dhp-top-box.stl 893.2KB
dhp-top-handle.stl 1.9MB
dhp-trigger.stl 75.1KB
dune-pistol-exploded.123dx 634.6KB
dune-pistol-union.123dx 649.0KB