04/01/11 : V2 ready to print, I'll print and test it before publish, could be soon. ;)
10/06/10 : DONT PRINT, part to much thin, I'm working on an easier version with larger part but I think It will wait September for next update. (exam and next holiday without computer)
I have a lot of problem with the Makerbot I use and it's don't help neither...
Here is my entry for the Make Contest.
A full Maker Bot printable pinhole box using standard photo film and whith mobile lens. (you can craft several pinhole et test them whith the same film)
It is a BETA version, not tested yet ! (in waiting for my school's heater build platform delivery)
I'm going to do test with this version for improve best.
TO DO first:
Next : - Glueless and removable assemblage
Ps : English is not my language, i apologise for all mistakes, i hope you will understand. ;)
Inspired by : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1621
Designed with Solid Works and Blender.
25/03 : v1.0
03/05 : v1.1, little update, Modify the two "bobine" part and the "dessu".
Add 3mm hole for close with and M3 bolt and nut on the top and add a path down for string or elastic.
The first test should arrive soon.
Old part on the zip All_STL_v1.0
All_STL_V1.0.zip | 88.7KB | |
All_STL_v1.1.zip | 126.1KB | |
bague.stl | 68.9KB | |
bobineD.STL | 78.2KB | |
bobineG.STL | 38.2KB | |
boutton.STL | 28.6KB | |
Construct_files_v1.0.zip | 2.8MB | |
Construct_files_v1.1.zip | 3.1MB | |
derouleur.STL | 56.7KB | |
dessou.STL | 2.8KB | |
Dessu.STL | 80.0KB | |
dos.STL | 4.6KB | |
dos2.STL | 12.6KB | |
enrouleur.STL | 131.2KB | |
objo.stl | 93.8KB | |
obsturateur.STL | 4.4KB |