Ultimate Nozzle Brush 3D Printer Model

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Try the new version of the Nozzle Cleaner - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5958635

3D Printer owners know that from time to time a print goes bad and filament attaches itself to the nozzle. I have seen many nozzles where plastic has baked on over and over again. My nozzle stays squeaky clean thanks to a nozzle brush I created based on a nozzle brush my friend Jesse was using from the Colorado Printing Project.

The idea came about at a Maker Faire when he was talking about the nozzle brush he obtained at a MRRF. The material in the brush he claimed was the best out there. It reminded me of the felt moving pads that often come with your rental truck. From there I went on a hunt to find something that would make the ultimate nozzle brush. I found that Amazon carried the moving pads but they were costly and far more than I would have needed for 1000 nozzle brushes let alone the few I was going to produce. I settled for these felt pads that proved to be outstanding for this nozzle brush.

Print this with the square hole face down. The printer should be able to bridge the gap across the top of the hole without issue. You need no supports. After printing fold two of the 1" squares in half, place that in the square hole. The other side place one square flat.

Filament will stick to the pad. It is easy to pick out and the pads are easy to replace. Much better on your fingers than a wire brush.

You can read the complete article on my blog or watch the video

If you print this post a make! If you like this share with a friend! If you want me to make something else cool message me!

Need more help building this? Want to discuss it? I can be found on my public discord chat server. Glad to answer any questions you have.


If you have suggestions for me to build please message me. I'm always looking to build something exciting and new. You can message me here on Thingiverse or contact me through My Blog or my Youtube Channel

Nozzle_Brush_v5.stl 819.2KB