UFS-156 More Electrical Diagrams Stencil Or Template 3D Printer Model

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I am a semi-professional electronic hobbyist. Normally I would draw electrical diagrams on a computer, but once in a while it can be faster to jot an idea down.

I found a very elegant stencil and was almost ready to print it out. But then I got looking at how few symbols were available. Nothing for resistors, inductors, etc. I like to keep my designs simple, but not that simple.

What choice is there but to design your own. I was off to design my own with the common shapes you need. Best is you can combine the shapes for more elaborate components. E.g. two inductors and some lines creates a transformer. A resistor with some small arrow, gives you a photo resistor. There are lots of possibilities.

There are two templates but the B version is better. I found that I preferred to print face down for a smooth surface. Depending on your flow, you may have to clean up some areas with an exacto knife.

The widths are 0.7mm to give a little clearance and use a 0.5mm pencil lead. You can scale up if you want. You can also print thicker by changing the z scale on your slicer.

Have fun.

UFS-156A_Electronic_Stencil-Stencil01.stl 497.2KB
UFS-156B_Electronic_Stencil-Stencil01.stl 497.0KB