The file 'Two Double-Sided V-Bucks (Fortnite) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 105.8KB.
I printed this model of a V-Buck, and it's great, but there was one small problem: I wanted a double sided V-Buck. I couldn't find any, so I altered this in Tinkercad so you have four sides which are half as tall as the original model, so you can superglue two and two sides together and have two double-sided V-Bucks. Why two? So you can keep one for yourself and give the other to someone. Or just keep both. You can also paint the V-Buck with colors that you see in the game, if you want.
More photos of this Thing will be available once I print it.
Two_Double_Sided_V-Bucks.stl | 405.2KB |