Hi everyone. I've returned to my old time hobby and found a great synergy between H0 railway modelling and 3D printing. Recently I have started to build a layout. I could not find a tunnel portal, that suits my needs. So I have decided to make my own.
Portal walls are covered by large stones. This is a single track version, sized to be used with Roco Geoline track system. Hight is enough to let electric loco to pass through with open pantograph.
Model has a stand and tunnel walls going 3 cm inside. No support is required. However, concrete beam at the top sticks out about 2 mm from the wall. My printer handled that well. Only few dropped strings, which I cleaned up.
Alternatively use support.
Later I will add dual track portal as well as portal with a brick walls.
Printer settings are unique for each printer and filament.
I have printed it with ABS.
My settings are:
3 perimeters, 3 bottom and 3 top layers
50% infill
25 mm/s speed
240 C extruder
100 C bed (PEI sheet)
Tunnel_portal_single.stl | 11.6MB |