UPDATE3: The 001 piece didn't update properly when I re-uploaded. So I re-re-uploaded and now it's the correct part with the mounting pillars on the left and the bigger hole for the USB/SD.
UPDATE2: enlarged some holes, properly aligned and repositioned the pillars for the Melzi board. Not it should all fit together and the SD card should be accessible.
UPDATE: first version had the screen inverted, re-uploaded with fixed files (thanks Enrique)
This is a TronXY base that can be printed in small pieces on the actual TronXY. I was inspired by the other bases available. I did however want to be able to print it 100% on the TronXY X1 with NO MODS. I also wanted it in smaller pieces just in case something goes wrong. Another big plus is you can customize the parts really easily with your logos and designs or extra holes. They are mostly flat panels with only the required holes, no big names or lettering added so you can just add whatever you want.
All source files included (DWG for autocad 2010+, DXF for Autocad 2007+ and whatever else you can import it into.
The biggest pieces are the bottom pieces (140x140mm). If you don't have your printer tuned for this size you could just skip the base and cut it from cardboard or whatever else you have on hand. The biggest side-piece is 120mm long and the case will work 100% without the bottom if you glue the sides together.
tronxy-base-v2-001.stl | 5.0KB | |
tronxy-base-v2-002.stl | 38.4KB | |
tronxy-base-v2-003.stl | 14.9KB | |
tronxy-base-v2-004.stl | 65.1KB | |
tronxy-base-v2-005.stl | 11.8KB | |
tronxy-base-v2-006.stl | 52.8KB | |
tronxy-base-v2-007.stl | 53.8KB | |
tronxy-base-v2-008.stl | 4.2KB | |
tronxy-base-v2-009.stl | 19.8KB | |
tronxy-base-v2-bottom-001.stl | 34.8KB | |
tronxy-base-v2-bottom-002.stl | 26.8KB | |
tronxy-base-v2.dwg | 937.8KB | |
tronxy-base-v2.dxf | 3.0MB |