Tripod GoPRO 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Tripod GoPRO 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 49.1KB.


this is an adjustable tripod for a GoPro Camera.
It's all printable without support material.

I made the legs in 2 pieces ("poot boven.stl" & "poot onder.stl") because my print area isn't big enough.
afther you printed te legs, you can glue them together (there's a triangle gap provided).

the assembly of the leg can slide in the leg holder ("poot houder.stl")
if you are lucky en it is stuck, use a small hammer and smash it gently in the leg holder groof. otherwise when the fitting is a little bit loose, use some glue (it depends how correct your printer is).

to assembly the gopro holder ("goprohouder.stl") with the lengthening rod ("verlengtstuk goprohouder"), use a hammer and smash them in eachother
!!!!! WATCH OUT that the triangle are in one line)!!!!!!

afther this you can just mount your gopro on the tripod and adjust the height with the small triangle stick("hoogte staaf.stl")

my first opinion is that it's maybe better to make the same connection figure for the legs as i made for the leg holder, on this way it's easier the allign the 2 leg pieces (But it works also on this way). If you want i can give you the Inventor file so you can adjust it.

I hope you enjoy the tripod, and please be free to give some feedback.

goprohouder.stl 84.4KB
hoogte_staaf.stl 39.8KB
poot_boven.stl 20.6KB
poot_houder.stl 30.6KB
poot_onder.stl 24.9KB
verlengstuk_goprohouder.stl 14.0KB