Triple C-Bot 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: step,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Triple C-Bot 3D Printer Model' is (step,stl) file type, size is 737.9KB.


A 3 Lead Screw Core-XY 3D printer with components and ideas from:

C-Bot 3D Printer by cfeniak (Rework Files)
Triple C-Bot on OpenBuilds

PSU Mount by Carlsen
LCD Case by wersey

LCD mount and RAMPS enclosure STL and STEP files included. I created a large enclosure to hide all the wiring I wanted to keep to allow replacing with another controller later if I ever wanted to. Fans used are 50mm x 50mm x 11.5mm with a 40mm hole spacing.

Credits to all mentioned above and those who supported them.

LCD_Case_Mount_45Deg.step 88.6KB
LCD_Case_Mount_45Deg.stl 277.5KB
Ramps_Large_Enclosure_for_C_D_Bot_Case_Body_Solid_Bottom_Vented_Side_.stl 330.2KB
Ramps_Large_Enclosure_for_C_D_Bot_Case_Body_Vented_Bottom_Vented_Side_.stl 587.2KB
Ramps_Large_Enclosure_for_C_D_Bot_Case_Lid.stl 919.5KB
Ramps_Large_Enclosure_for_C_D_Bot_Solid_Bottom_Vented_Side.step 569.7KB
Ramps_Large_Enclosure_for_C_D_Bot_Vented_Bottom_Vented_Side.step 727.2KB