Traxxas Mid Motor (MM) Rustler Battery Cage. 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Traxxas Mid Motor (MM) Rustler Battery Cage. 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 43.3KB.


This is my batt cage for a custom MM build I've done.
Designed around a CHNL 6200mah 3S battery with a 400MM velcro strap.

Some time I'll post pics on how the heck you're gonna use this thing

(Credit to me for the awesome MM name thing.)

(Edit 4-7-24) Added the no text version for those that don't like my letters. I also updated the files A LOT. So if you're reading this, I greatly suggest you update your files, as the old version bent the chassis.

BattHoldVersionC.stl 152.2KB
BattHoldVersionC_NO_TEXT.stl 46.7KB