Trava De Armario – Door Latch – Two Options 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Trava De Armario – Door Latch – Two Options 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 82.1KB.


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Aqui estão duas opções de trava para sua porta de armario, de cozinha, banheiro, até portas de moveis, que insistem em ficarem meia abertas ou frouxas.

Nesse kit, tem a opção de retenção media, e retenção pequenas para portas leves!


Here two options for your kitchen loose cabinet door, or any other door that you wish to keep close.

Soft version = Low retention latch for small doors, and cabinets

Hard Version = Medium retention latch to keep heavier stuff closed

Print with at least 20% infil (tested) and with the "body" part on the horizontal orientation to make it stronger.


body_harder.stl 69.0KB
body_softer.stl 69.0KB
Pin_harder.stl 63.7KB
Pin_softer.stl 90.6KB