Trailing Arm Conversion Kit For Tamiya Grasshopper 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-ND
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Trailing Arm Conversion Kit For Tamiya Grasshopper 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 967.5KB.


Minor Updates (24.3.18)
1.Fixed some issues in rear arms (too tight bearing hole, fixed to print vertically for better print output)
2.diff bevel gear : reduced thickness (0.5mm) for better fit with gears


Final Version : Trailing Arm Conversion Kit for Tamiya Grasshopper

I consider this as the final version of this long lasting 'Trailing Arm Conversion' project for tamiya grasshopper 1/2.

Check my Youtube for detailed instructions to make this kit
part 1 :
part 2 :

Most of the design weaknesses has been fixed, should replace all of my previous designs.

This kit uses below hardwares :

  • Tamiya The Frog Assembly Universal Shafts (53908)
  • Tamiya E-Ring Set (50380)
  • 1150 Size Ball Bearings (6 or more)

All other parts used in this kit is from stock grasshopper kit. So it is recommended to start with a new grasshopper kit or used grasshopper.

There is no need to cut or modify any of the stock parts, so you can always go back to stock grasshopper whenever if you don't like the conversion.

The Diff Gear can be printed in PLA, PETG, or Nylon(would be better). Or if possible it can be printed in Metal. In my case I printed them in Stainless, and works perfectly. PLA or PETG is not meant to last for more than 5 runs based on my test runs. They need to be reprinted and replaced timely. So, if you want more durability choose to print in Metal. Most of the 3D printing platforms do offer Metal SLA print option, they are not that expensive.

Below video is GH2 using the metal diff bevel gear, its durability is basically same as stock GH as you can see from the bash video

[GH1gbadapter_L_220410.stl 68.8KB
[GH1gbadapter_R_220410.stl 80.0KB
[GH1GB_L_231224.stl 387.9KB
[GH1GB_R_231224.stl 324.7KB
[GH2gbadapter_L_220430.stl 65.7KB
[GH2gbadapter_R_220430.stl 55.7KB
[GH2GB_L_231224.stl 407.5KB
[GH2GB_R_231224.stl 341.9KB
[GHDG_Spacer_230514.stl 91.3KB
[GHDiffGear_240305_Final.stl 1.4MB
[GH_Arm_LR_V2301225.stl 311.3KB