Toshiba T3100e SD IDE Board Slot 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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This is a very rough hack of the SD card adapter by NilsR to make it fit in the drive cage of a Toshiba t3100e vintage 286 laptop. It is quite a tight squeeze inside the laptop, so could be refined further, but it works!

To make it fit I had to desolder the Molex connector on the SD adapter and solder the wires from an IDE power connector directly to the board. Alternatively you could use an IDE to floppy power adapter if you have one.

Also the "key" on the IDE data cable in the t3100e seems to be on the wrong side, so I had to cut a notch in the plastic surround of the IDE connector on the SD card adapter.

t3100eIDE-II.stl 221.0KB