Toothbrush Head Holder (for ORAL B System) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl,FCStd
Download type: zip

The file 'Toothbrush Head Holder (for ORAL B System) 3D Printer Model' is (stl,FCStd) file type, size is 109.8KB.



Use this toothbrush head holder for ORAL B systems to get rid of the fluid after tooth brushing. Best way is to place a piece of household paper below it. I faced the problem that water that is not coming out of the toothbrush will became ugly black sediments. And the toothbruths are not really cheap ... .
It's portable - u can use it for traveling.

Check pls

I found out that it work also for other systems not only for ORACL B.


It's printed with helping bridges / support.
Printer: PRUSA MINI+
The design was created in FreeCAD 0.21
Slicer is PrusaSlicer 2.7.1

Zahnbuerstenkopfhalter.stl 130.4KB
Zahnbuerstenkopfhalter_01_003.FCStd 85.5KB