The file 'Tool To Level X-axis Of Prusa I3 3D Printer Model' is (scad,stl) file type, size is 4.58 KB.
Customizable X-axis leveling tool designed for Prusa i3 Berlin. Used to make sure that each side of the X-axis is at the same height. Necessary since there's a stepper motor on each side and they can get out of step.
To use:
Place "forked" end of tool on Y smooth rod and use Z control to bring the X axis just above the flat part of the top of the tool. Manually rotate the Z rod for that side so the X carriage rod just touches the bottom of the "L" at the top of the tool. Adjust the other side the same way. Go back and forth to each side a few times to get the X-axis rod level.
IMPORTANT: Don't squish the tool between the rods by using the Z motor control - this could put pressure on the smooth rods and possibly bend them. Doing the final adjustment by hand works best.
I've been using this tool for awhile now and it works pretty well. One improvement would be if it had a hook to hang down from the X-axis rod instead of being squished between X-axis rod and Y-axis rod. Then you could hang one of the tools on each side of the X-axis rod and adjust them at the same time.
X_Leveler.scad |
X_Leveler.stl |