Tiny Whoop Mullet – Mohawk Mod + Vacuum Box 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: STL
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The file 'Tiny Whoop Mullet – Mohawk Mod + Vacuum Box 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 531.8KB.


Cut lines are included in the model. I printed the box in PETG vs PLA to resist the heat generated by the heat gun, and it seems to work fine. The vacuum hose hole is 35mm. Trim or fill it to fit your vacuum hose. Use a 4" bamboo hoop to hold the polystyrene sheet. Polystyrene sheet used here is 0.02" thick.

Tip: see the end of my video (link below) so see how I installed the canopy on the frame. I used the flight controller's screws to bolt the canopy down to the frame. It works much better than using the side tabs.

Here is my tutorial: https://youtu.be/gKx1zs5B3WI

For the alternate mold use: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1703159

Refer to 100%Epic in Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xtRdwcWc9I

FPV Camera: http://www.banggood.com/FX-FX798T-5_8G-600TVL-25mW-40CH-Mini-Transmitter-Camera-Combo-For-FPV-Multicopter-p-1053038.html

Base.STL 58.0KB
Mullet_Mohawk_Canopy.STL 1.0MB
Top.STL 362.2KB