Tiny Epic Zombies – Sleeved – No Box Lid Lift 3D Printer Model

License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Tiny Epic Zombies – Sleeved – No Box Lid Lift 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 20.0KB.


I always like sleeving my cards. So I remade the armory and the token boxes to be slightly slimmer, as well as refitting the holes in the armory, because they were to big. Now the items sits nicely and do not fall out even when held upside down. I made the lid for the armory so the cards wouldn't slide around. Looks nicer in the box too :)

No box lid lift!

Armory_for_sleeved_with_lid.stl 59.0KB
Zombie_token_for_sleeved.stl 55.7KB