Tiny Epic Quest – Sleeved – No Box Lid Lift. 3D Printer Model

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File formats: stl
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The file 'Tiny Epic Quest – Sleeved – No Box Lid Lift. 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 63.5KB.


I really liked the solution that Pu1p came up with, but also wanted to add the trackers from Nevzat778, and I wanted the cards sleeved. But with sleeves the itemholder didn't fit. So in stead of that I made a new itemholder than snaps like a lid on to the meeple boxes, and changed the storage box of the mushrooms to hold both them and the items.

Very satisfied with the easy access to both items and the mushrooms. And the item rack still fits, if you prefer using that.

No box lid lift.

Item-__Mushroom_holder.stl 150.1KB
mushrooms__artifacts.stl 23.2KB