Tile Tracker Downtube Mount For 2023 Specialized Diverge 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Tile Tracker Downtube Mount For 2023 Specialized Diverge 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 1.0MB.


Tile Tracker downtube mount for 2023 Specialized Diverge


Simplest is to just print "DivergeTileHolder_nologo.stl" with your filament of choice but more options and suggestions are below if you continue reading


This is based on the excellent design of the AirTag holder for Diverge (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5515628).

My 2023 Diverge has a different (and complex) profile shape for the downtube so a re-design was required. You can see the design on OnShape here:


The logo text was embedded using Tinkercad.

There are 3 files available:

  • DivergeTileHolder_nologo.stl - just the holder, no logo detente
  • DivergeTileHolder_logo.stl - the holder with logo detente
  • 2023DivergeTileHolder_logo_inset.stl - the logo itself, print in a different color

Printing the colour insert:

To use a single-colour printer to print the text insert, you will need to first print the file "2023DivergeTileHolder_logo_inset.stl", then change the filament, and print the file "DivergeTileHolder_logo.stl".


  • you MUST first align the logo and tile holder in your slicer and then slice them separately
  • you MUST set z-hop to 0.6mm for the file "DivergeTileHolder_logo.stl" in order to avoid hitting the already printed text when you print it on top
  • Many videos on YouTube will detail printing embedded text

Other Notes

  • Designed for Tile Pro 2020 (41.6mm x 41.6mm x 6.6mm)
2023DivergeTileHolder_logo.stl 507.8KB
2023DivergeTileHolder_logo_inset.stl 317.0KB
2023DivergeTileHolder_nologo.stl 1.6MB