Tevo Black Widow Upgrade Kit 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: STL
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The file 'Tevo Black Widow Upgrade Kit 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 1.4MB.


I used Ø0.500 aluminium tube, with a washer and plastic tube cap in order to create the spool holder.

Head upgrade to enable the use of a bowden tube to feed filament.
No Support Needed! Once printed snap off 3 small towers to have your finished part.

Bowden fitting mount to mount to the side of the upright C-channel.

M5 socket head cap screw extended thumb screw.

Small toggle switch mount to fit lighting switch on gantry.

20mm extruder spacer with built in terminal blocks.
Split in 3 parts in order to print properly!
Uses 3mm hardware!

E3D Lite Mount:
Modified from http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1708185.
Allows an E3D lite bowden tube to be inserted directly into extruder.

Black_widow_E3D_lite_mount_part1.STL 398.6KB
guide.STL 69.7KB
Head.STL 645.3KB
knob.STL 471.0KB
Offset.STL 2.3MB
spool.STL 416.1KB
switch.STL 95.8KB