I made a 3d-printed lock for an aftermarket Tesla US to CCS2 adapter (EVHUB design).
This lock will make it impossible for anyone to remove the CCS connector from the car, unless the adapter is unlocked by the car owner.
IMPORTANTE NOTE: It was tested only on a 2022 Model Y. In other models, the distance between the car and the adapter might be different. It can be adjusted by just adjusting the Z position in your slicer and cutting the bottom.
Tesla_CCS2_Lock_-_revA4_-_lower_inner_lock.stl | 1.7MB | |
Tesla_CCS2_Lock_-_revA4_-_outer_lock.stl | 3.6MB | |
Tesla_CCS2_Lock_-_revA4_-_upper_inner_lock.stl | 1.8MB |