This is a temperature and humidity monitor that I designed based on the ESP8266 microcontroller.
The device also features WiFi capabilities for the purpose of logging the data on a remote server (e.g. a Raspberry Pi). The main parts of the device are of course the ESP8266 microcontroller, a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, and a 16x4 character LCD.
The project is fully open source. The PCB design files and the source code for the firmware and the server can be found on GitHub. Checkout my Instructables project for detailed instructions on making your own. The enclosure is designed on FreeCAD and the fcstd
files are also available for download.
temp_monitor_body.fcstd | 204.8KB | |
temp_monitor_body.stl | 119.8KB | |
temp_monitor_lid.fcstd | 72.5KB | |
temp_monitor_lid.stl | 53.0KB |