This is a Tardis Christmas ornament with a LED lamp. For it you need at least one white LED, a resistor for it to have just enough current to look bright enough, a li-ion or li-poly battery that will fit inside, a TP4056 charger board with overdischarge protection and a generic SPDT switch of the kind that is most common in toys, solar garden lamps and other junk. Painting the interior white will make the LED appear brighter, so you can lower the current and have it shine for longer. I used 2 warm white SMD LEDs soldered back to back in paralell to have better lighting angle and a 200ohm resistor. The battery should be as big as possible while still fitting, mine is 28x35x4mm 290mAh. You should also replace the resistor marked on the photo with a higher value so that the battery current is half to one times its capacity. Unfortunately, Ididn't take pictures of the assembled interior part before inserting it and it isn't designed for being removed- it either fits as pres fit or you glue it in. The board should latch in place but can still be glued if you have to, ad the switch is attached by mushroming the two that go into its mounting holes with a soldering iron, just like in those toys or garden lights. I made the window panes out of tracing paper glued in with superglue, and the stickers are normal paper (A4 size, print full page size with "scale to fit" unchecked). To avoid the superglue soaking in, I applied clear tape on their rear side before cutting them out, and then glued to that. If the text or the windows don't slice properly, turn up your "horizontal expansion" setting. The hole in the top has to be drilled, as I didn't want it to be big, and small holes don't print reliably.
Tardis_lamp_1.stl | 28.6KB | |
Tardis_lamp_2.stl | 7.7MB |