Tangle Free Earbud Holder 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: dxf,svg,scad,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Tangle Free Earbud Holder 3D Printer Model' is (dxf,svg,scad,stl) file type, size is 1.9MB.


This is an earbud holder designed to hide the cord away to protect it while it is being carried in a pocket or bag. To use this, put the earbuds in the holes with the cable coming out the hole in the outside ring, then turn the inner piece to wind the cord inside the body of the holder.

This design is very effective. It is not completely finished. There are a few parts I would like to improve but it works well enough that I haven't felt the need to finish it. I thought I should post it anyway.

This model took quite a few hours and lots of test printing to get right. If you appreciate my work, consider tipping me or head over to 3dupndown and download it there (each download is worth 5 cents to me WooHoo!).

I have added another STL with a larger gap between the inner and outer pieces. If you have had trouble with the pieces sticking together it may help. I have not tested it myself, if you do print it please let me know how it works.

budsGeneric.dxf 25.8KB
budsGeneric.svg 5.1KB
earbudHolderGeneric.scad 2.5KB
earbudHolderGeneric.stl 8.5MB
earbudHolderGeneric0_8Gap.stl 8.5MB