This is a card holder for Talisman: The Magical Quest Game but it will also work for any game with 63 mm x 41 mm unsleeved cards. There are two versions: 53 mm tall for 150 cards and 37 mm tall for 100 cards. They have 5 mm margin so the actual capacity is bigger.
Use Customizer or edit .SCAD file to change size for sleeved cards or to change height. Be warned: the curved walls (I call them supports) are carefully customized for this exact card size - you will have to change them if you plan to resize it. It's my first time with OpenSCAD so it's not very intuitive and well-thought.
This thing is based on a Card Holder by 17dbabnigg. His version is designed for 52 cards but for Talisman I needed 150. Simple resize kinda works but it is too fragile so I had to modify it. It is much more durable as you can see in this video.
CardHolder_100.stl | 223.3KB | |
CardHolder_150.stl | 223.3KB | |
TalismanCardHolder.scad | 4.9KB |