I you are like me, you base your table top models after you paint them. I find this helps get underneath and around the model, the brush does not interfere with your base or basing materials, and or want to create more eccentric bases that may make it harder to paint models attached to them.
A cut broom handle works just fine. An empty 23ml paint jar works just fine. Just about any hand sized object works just fine. But, if you wanted the ergonomic comfort of specially designed Tabletop Model Paint Handle... Thingies but cannot or will not pay the luxury price of other Tabletop Model Paint Handle... Thingies, then this just might be your answer.
Just a small piece of double sided tape, bits of blue tack, or a couple of drops of CA and you have a comfortable ergonomic hand held, table balanced, pennies to print Tabletop Model Paint Handle... Thingy.
Please let me know what you think. Smash or tap the like button. Thank you, as always for your support. Enjoy.
Painting_Handle_Thingy.stl | 962.8KB |