The file 'Survivor Simmotion 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 783.7KB.
As Seen on Survivor S18Ep14, S23Ep5(different variation), S31Ep13, S37Ep13, S40Ep14, S42Ep13, and S44Ep13. Bear with me because this design is the least straightforward of mine to understand how it goes together, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me for any clarification. PRINT AT 225% SCALE FOR PIECES TO FIT. Additionally you will need to use string and lash together the pieces to their supports in order for the assembly to stay together(not sure how to add the supports otherwise and have them hold the track without majorly impeding the ball). If you look at the file names everything is labeled for the most part under the same system. All Sup files are the supports (SupA being the bottom of a support pairing and SupB being the top of that pairing). If there is a "-" in the name, that means the part is a connector piece for example: going downhill from section A to section B would be part A-B and so on and so forth. All other files are labeled according to what piece of the track they are a part of(CW=clockwise section(1,2 or 3), CCW=counterclockwise section, gate=gate L/R split section, bottom=bottom exit section, top=top shute section) followed by any of these letter combinations(B=bottom, I=inside, O=outside, T=top, OR=outside right, OL =outside left).
You will need this amount of each piece:
bottomB x2
CWB x22
bottomEnd x2
CW2-B x1
bottomI x2
bottomO x2
CW3O x2
CW2I x4
CW3I x2
CW3B x2
CW2O x4
CW2B x4
CCW-gate x1
CW-B x1
CW2-CW2 x3
ball x7
hinge x1
CW-CW2 x1
Sup.24 x1
Sup.17a x1
Sup.11 x1
Sup.2a x1
top x1
Sup.1b x1
Sup.4a x1
Sup.5a x1
CWO x22
Sup.10 x1
Sup.12 x1
Sup.16a x1
Sup.2b x1
Sup.26 x1
Sup.8 x1
Sup.23 x1
Sup.6a x1
Sup.3a x1
Sup.14 x1
Sup.20 x1
Sup.15 x1
Sup.16b x1
gateI x1
Sup.25 x1
Sup.21 x1
Sup.13b x1
Sup.7 x1
Sup.9 x1
gateOR x1
CWI x22
TI x1
TB x1
TO x1
gateOL x1
Sup.3b x1
Sup.22 x1
Sup.13a x1
Sup.1a x1
gateB x1
Sup.17b x1
Sup.18 x1
Sup.6b x1
Sup.5b x1
T-CW x1
Sup.19 x1
Sup.4b x1
TT x1
CW-CW x22
SMT_ball.stl | 137.2KB | |
SMT_bottomB.stl | 7.2KB | |
SMT_bottomEnd.stl | 27.8KB | |
SMT_bottomI.stl | 7.2KB | |
SMT_bottomO.stl | 7.2KB | |
SMT_CCW-CCW.stl | 145.2KB | |
SMT_CCW-CW.stl | 86.6KB | |
SMT_CCW-gate.stl | 85.5KB | |
SMT_CCWB.stl | 29.7KB | |
SMT_CCWI.stl | 31.2KB | |
SMT_CCWO.stl | 29.2KB | |
SMT_CW-B.stl | 70.9KB | |
SMT_CW-CCW.stl | 69.8KB | |
SMT_CW-CW.stl | 67.6KB | |
SMT_CW-CW2.stl | 86.6KB | |
SMT_CW2-B.stl | 70.9KB | |
SMT_CW2-CW2.stl | 67.6KB | |
SMT_CW2B.stl | 29.5KB | |
SMT_CW2I.stl | 31.2KB | |
SMT_CW2O.stl | 29.2KB | |
SMT_CW3B.stl | 29.5KB | |
SMT_CW3I.stl | 32.7KB | |
SMT_CW3O.stl | 27.8KB | |
SMT_CWB.stl | 29.7KB | |
SMT_CWI.stl | 31.2KB | |
SMT_CWO.stl | 29.2KB | |
SMT_gateB.stl | 40.2KB | |
SMT_gateI.stl | 40.4KB | |
SMT_gateOL.stl | 27.9KB | |
SMT_gateOR.stl | 30.5KB | |
SMT_hinge.stl | 10.8KB | |
SMT_Sup.10.stl | 7.9KB | |
SMT_Sup.11.stl | 7.9KB | |
SMT_Sup.12.stl | 16.3KB | |
SMT_Sup.13a.stl | 5.8KB | |
SMT_Sup.13b.stl | 14.9KB | |
SMT_Sup.14.stl | 13.0KB | |
SMT_Sup.15.stl | 13.0KB | |
SMT_Sup.16a.stl | 14.8KB | |
SMT_Sup.16b.stl | 13.4KB | |
SMT_Sup.17a.stl | 12.4KB | |
SMT_Sup.17b.stl | 16.7KB | |
SMT_Sup.18.stl | 16.3KB | |
SMT_Sup.19.stl | 16.6KB | |
SMT_Sup.1a.stl | 11.3KB | |
SMT_Sup.1b.stl | 15.5KB | |
SMT_Sup.20.stl | 13.0KB | |
SMT_Sup.21.stl | 12.8KB | |
SMT_Sup.22.stl | 12.6KB | |
SMT_Sup.23.stl | 10.8KB | |
SMT_Sup.24.stl | 10.8KB | |
SMT_Sup.25.stl | 10.8KB | |
SMT_Sup.26.stl | 15.9KB | |
SMT_Sup.2a.stl | 12.7KB | |
SMT_Sup.2b.stl | 13.2KB | |
SMT_Sup.3a.stl | 10.9KB | |
SMT_Sup.3b.stl | 16.7KB | |
SMT_Sup.4a.stl | 11.0KB | |
SMT_Sup.4b.stl | 16.7KB | |
SMT_Sup.5a.stl | 12.5KB | |
SMT_Sup.5b.stl | 16.7KB | |
SMT_Sup.6a.stl | 13.2KB | |
SMT_Sup.6b.stl | 20.6KB | |
SMT_Sup.7.stl | 8.3KB | |
SMT_Sup.8.stl | 8.0KB | |
SMT_Sup.9.stl | 8.0KB | |
SMT_T-CW.stl | 61.9KB | |
SMT_TB.stl | 23.1KB | |
SMT_TI.stl | 23.1KB | |
SMT_TO.stl | 23.1KB | |
SMT_top.stl | 123.0KB | |
SMT_TT.stl | 21.9KB |