I bought a Prusa i3 Mk3S kit in Lockdown, 2020 to provide some distraction. It did that - very effectively.
It is now fitted with a 0.6 CHT nozzle, and flies along rather nicely
Over the years, I noticed that where the cables join the heatbed, the bundle and the fitting have developed a droop, and the cables started at one point to rub on the metal frame as Y movements occur. The risk of cable damage / short circuit/temp errors was raised.
I made an early attempt at a support for it, but it didn't work very well. So I upgraded it, pushing laterally to engage support from the build plate, which provides anti-rotation, as well as supporting the cables. This engagement of the build plate does not interfere with printing, as it is a good 11 mm back from the build area.
At present, I have not placed any screws in the design, as it holds up quite well with just its grip on things, but I would superglue it to the end of the buildplate if it comes loose.
I have printed it in PETG with 3 walls and 30 % gyroid infil. It would be even better in ABS, I'm sure.
Keep an eye on your heatbed cable bundle - spot problems early.
I hope you find this useful either as-is or re-worked.
Please let me know if you use it, or modify it.
Happy Printing.
prusa_support_for_drooping_bed_power_inlet.stl | 15.1KB |