Remix (Sort of) of my project at -
What's changed? I used a different base connector (BNC Female to SMA Male).
I like this connector:
- Get the BNC Female side prepared
- Sand down the end of the nitinol. I used a dremel like device from the Freight of Harbors.
- fill up the BNC Female side with Solder (This version uses this connector - - This is an affiliate link) - , as soon as you remove the iron , push in the nitinol Add more heat or solder if needed. Give it a few moments to cool.
- After it's soldered in place, and you've ensured you didn't short out your outer and inner shield, add 3/64" heat shrink I went with red because it adds 12 Db (This is a joke) Heat Shrink Tubing - (Also an affiliate link).
- After heat shrink is applied, drill a hole in the center of the cover I made for the Nitinol to go through. I still recommend 1mm nitinol.
6 Confirm everything is functional.
7 If it is, super glue the cover to the connector.
Sanding the Nitinol down Right before it's ready to go into the connector is critical. This stuff oxidizes fast.
REQUEST: If you find a similar BNC Female to SMA Female adapter, please let me know.