SUNLU – Air Purifier Riser 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

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got me new SUNLU air purifier and me need a riser for it. USB cable cutout include

dimension: x45 y45 z95,5

lemme know what ya think bout it 🤞
plz share ur makes ❤️

  • 🡇 printer: Bambulab P1S
  • 🧱 infill: 15%
  • 🧬 support: yes
  • 🧵 filament: 🔗SUNLU PLA+

❤️ BeyondArtism

SUNLU_-_Air_Purifier_Raiser.stl 41.7KB