SumSum Mini FPV Quad – Quanum Pico / Scisky 32 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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still waiting for the components of my other miniQuad ...
...and than i found an old Hubsan Quad with 7mm Motors and faulty board -
time to make an frame for it with the scisky board :D

this is still work in progress and i will add an 25° mount for the MiniCamCombo too.
(this version has 10° tilt)
i used the Scisky dsm brushed board and 7mm diameter brushed
motors from an old hubsan toy.
(with the 7mm motors you should motor pwm rate below 20.000 in cleanflight cli)
the pico / scisky board & the motors stays in place and snaps in.
for the video combo you can use a dro of heatglue or double sided tape
lipo is fixed with rubberband...

  • added another version without cam tilt and with mounts for mini Led´s

have fun :)

if you like it please FOLLOW me or/and give it a LIKE :) , thx

sumsum_v1.stl 332.9KB
sumsum_v2.stl 480.0KB