Subaru EJ-25 Oil Filter Filler Funnel 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: f3d,stl,step
Download type: zip

The file 'Subaru EJ-25 Oil Filter Filler Funnel 3D Printer Model' is (f3d,stl,step) file type, size is 3.9MB.


First of all, this is a remix of someone else's design but I don't thing the original is posted any more. If anyone has a link to the original, I would love to credit them.

The only thing different on my remix is the very tip of the funnel. I removed the original smooth tapered tip and added M20x1.5 threads so that the funnel can also screw into the filter for easy pre filling. I have included the .f3d file as well so anyone can have a go at making their own changes.

PS. Please always post your .f3d/.step files! including the build files makes it easier for the whole community!

EJ_Oil_Filter_Funnel_Filler_v2.f3d 2.8MB
EJ_Oil_Filter_Funnel_Filler_v2.stl 2.0MB
EJ_Oil_Filter_Funnel_Filler_v2_v2.step 1.8MB