The file 'Strong Optimized Shelf Pin (IKEA) 3D Printer Model' is (stl,f3d,iges,step) file type, size is 1.3 MB.
This is a refinement of the original "yet another shelf pin" by oferfrid
The original pin is simple, elegant, and printed in the right direction for maximum strength.
2017-04-19 Edit: Added plates of 20 pins. Some slicers (Cura looking at you) can have serious trouble processing so many copies internally, so I just pre-made a reasonable plate of pins for y'all.
2017-12-31 Edit: Added an OVERSIZED version of the pin. Meaning, the pin itself is the same as before, but I oversized the triangular section that holds the shelf. I find this useful when dealing with imprecise furniture that has more leeway.
PS: The original is modeled in freecad. I tried to re-mix in Freecad, but it just couldn't compute the chamfers... So this redesign is from Fusion360.
pin-scale-0.915_oversized.stl |
pin_oversized.stl |
shelf_pin-scale-0.915.stl |
shelf_pin-x20-scale-0.915.stl |
shelf_pin-x20.stl |
shelf_pin.f3d |
shelf_pin.iges |
shelf_pin.step |
shelf_pin.stl |