Stephansdom Wien / St. Stephans Vienna 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Stephansdom Wien / St. Stephans Vienna 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 1.3MB.


A small "statue" of Stephansdom of Vienna Austria.

Update: 3 Jan 2021: I finally had the time to sit down and make it actually printable.

I am removing the old parts to not confuse people.

Unfortunately I had to remove a lot of the detail. But it should be printable. Will print the embossed with base version as a test later today.

blank-base.stl 50.5KB
embosed-de-base.stl 201.7KB
embosed-eng-base.stl 207.6KB
exbosed-de-base.stl 201.7KB
exbosed-eng-base.stl 207.6KB
Steph-no-base_fixed.stl 662.4KB
steph-with-blank-base_fixed.stl 617.9KB
steph-with-embosed-de-base_fixed.stl 777.8KB
steph-with-embosed-eng-base_fixed.stl 784.6KB
steph-with-exbosed-de-base_fixed.stl 778.2KB
steph-with-exbosed-eng-base_fixed.stl 784.5KB